What are the differences between TOVA and our QIKtest? What are the limitations of the TOVA test? Are Gaussian Norms invalid? by Siegfried Othmer, Chief Scientist, The EEG Institute
Self-regulation is important for controlling one’s attention, mental
state, behavior and emotion to enhance positive outcomes in life related
to physical and mental health, school readiness, learning, academic
achievement, relations, development of consciousness, and the ability to
overcome of obstacles. ...
by Siegfried Othmer, Chief Scientist, The EEG Institute
Abstract - Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback impinges on brain-based dysfunctions quite
comprehensively, but the resulting improvements in self-regulatory competence cannot
typically be captured both quantitatively and unambiguously. A measurable functional
challenge is called for, and the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) offers such a challenge,
one that both tests critical neuro-regulatory functions and has the benefit of broad
acceptance within the neuropsychological community. A concise appraisal of results from a
large database, one that extends over more than a decade and over thousands of clinical
offices, is offered here as supportive testimony to the clinical effectiveness and practical
utility of ILF neurofeedback in application to a wide variety of clinical conditions.
The test challenges
the person under both high-demand and low-demand conditions. Under
high-load conditions, the testee is more likely to make errors of
commission, whereas under low-load conditions, the testee is more likely
to make errors of omission. In addition to counting errors of omission
and commission, the test determines the average reaction time, as well
as the standard deviation of reaction time, the variability. ...